We come from Shanghai, the United Kingdom (London and the surrounding areas), the United States (New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco)
We continue to receive the quiet support and attention of world-class academics, world-class artists, and internationally active long-term investors
发起人、创始人、投资人,也是经营负责人Peter YU,与高度理念共鸣的同样前瞻思考和行动的伙伴们,同行
Peter YU, the initiator, founder, investor, and head of management, walks with the same forward-looking thinking and action partners with a high degree of ideological resonance
From time to time, we will display the names and identities of these fellow travelers, as well as the fields they are passionate about
版权© 2025 Polyphony-PiCapital - 保留所有权利
Copyright© 2025 Polyphony-PiCapital - all rights reserved
Polyphony Management Group Ltd - U.K., Company Number: 14090373(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
Polyphony Infinity Capital / PI Capital - British Virgin Islands, Company Number: 2098942(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
复调(上海)文化发展有限公司 - 税号:91310104MA1FRH6T17