2020, The Bund House, Shanghai
Between an International Opera Director and Young Entrepreneur (no rehearsal at all), by their respective life and career experiences, the humanistic foundation of life is questioned, exchanged, discussed, and resonated, leaving space for audience to think about the factors of drastic changes to manifest NEW ERA to affect every ordinary person.
2023, The Bund House, Shanghai
Based on the real conversation, it seems to revolve around business, but in fact, it uses historical and cultural views to dialogue. The manifestation of business and innovation is not just a transaction, but also the implicit and huge role of concept and cultural attributes. A seemingly simple conversation, but it manifests a lot.
2023, Shanghai
This is an allegorical adaptation of real events based on business innovation and cultural attributes, which involves: asset theft, good fortune and misfortune, long-term investment, self-determination, faith, innovation, and zeitgeist.
MV - 绝美的世界,每个人都是孩子 // Pidea商业创意AI实践营 @新加坡 2025.1
MV - Absolutely Beautiful World, Everyone is a Child // Pidea Business Idea AI Practice Camp @Singapore 2025.1
“每个人都是孩子”是在物质、经济和商业生产完全自动化的新时代,在起源的人性中对人的核心价值的隐喻。受现代世界和人类历史中许多不必要的结构的影响,许多人几乎不能也不需要在历史中发现和利用这种价值。但现在是改变的时候了,并将这种隐藏的自然价值变为现实。这部MV 的创建是为了传达一般含义,它包括我们在教育创新方面采取的行动,首先特别关注人工智能的商业实践创新,以及在父母的支持下积极创新的孩子。更多的即将到来。
"Everyone Is A Child" is a metaphore of the core value of human within the originated human nature, in new era of total automation.
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Polyphony Management Group Ltd - U.K., Company Number: 14090373(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
Polyphony Infinity Capital / PI Capital - British Virgin Islands, Company Number: 2098942(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
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