感谢技术的革新,让人与人的连接,人与自然的连接,在发生根本性的演化。就像那句英语:the ground is shifted。意识到脚下的土地已经改变了的时候,也就进入新的大自然了。
Thanks to technological innovation, the connection between people and people, and the connection between people and nature, is undergoing a fundamental evolution. It's like the English saying: the ground is shifted. When you realize that the ground under your feet has changed, you will enter a new nature.
What if we could already be ourselves in a new nature, where we could naturally be, receive so many unexpected gifts from the new nature?
What we are concerned with is true discovery and true enlightenment, in the myriad creations that are full of primordial vitality, and in the businesses that are full of wisdom to connect those creations.
The Bund House with Floating Shack, 15 People
Degree of Natural Flow: 1.36
Future Shack, 36 People
Degree of Natural Flow: 1.57
TFN & St. Martin Living Room, 11 People
Degree of Natural Flow: 1.12
Ithaca & F.S. Living Room, 37 People
Degree of Natural Flow: 1.93
TFN & Leaves Fashion Living Room, 33 People
Degree of Natural Flow: 0.97
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Copyright© 2025 Polyphony-PiCapital - all rights reserved
Polyphony Management Group Ltd - U.K., Company Number: 14090373(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
Polyphony Infinity Capital / PI Capital - British Virgin Islands, Company Number: 2098942(entity name could change for project allocation purposes)
复调(上海)文化发展有限公司 - 税号:91310104MA1FRH6T17